In the whirlwind of our daily lives, establishing a self-care routine can feel like an unattainable goal, particularly for those grappling with ADHD, ADD, or anxiety. Research indicates that forming a habit takes approximately a month, yet the traditional advice of hitting the gym or practicing morning yoga can be daunting or not feasible. In this blog post, I'll share a more manageable and realistic approach to self-care.
Starting Small: The Power of Incremental Self-Care
Embarking on a self-care journey does not need to involve drastic changes. Managing severe depression and anxiety has taught me that building a routine begins with small steps. A great starting point is initiating a basic skincare routine—simply use a gentle face wash and moisturizer. Just adding a second step, such as moisturizer, can elevate you so much, and your skin will thank you! Personally, I have found solace in incorporating this routine into my evenings, doing it in bed while enjoying quality time with my boyfriend, watching Law and Order SVU. Some days you just want to crawl straight into bed, so you might as well do your skincare too! Over time, I have incorporated more into my skincare routine and drink from a cute glass of water with a matching straw.
Self-Care Beyond the Mirror: Affirmations and Hair Brushing
For those facing mental health challenges, practicing self-love is transformative. An unconventional yet powerful way to infuse positivity into your routine is to repeat affirmations while brushing your hair. Utilize a mirror during this ritual to reinforce self-love and appreciation. This simple practice can significantly contribute to building a foundation of well-being. Just a minute of kind words to yourself can truly change your mindset around a whole day.
Morning and Night Routines: Keys to Consistency
Establishing morning and night routines can be a game-changer for individuals managing ADHD and anxiety. Designate specific spots for essentials like keys, charger, headphones, and wallet the night before. This preemptive organization not only eases the morning rush but also minimizes stress. Extend this practice to your coffee routine—set out your favorite mug and coffee beans the night before, creating a serene start to your day. Another tip for forming a morning routine is do it slowly as perfectly explained in Mikayla Jai’s blog post. By doing these things the night before, you are giving yourself extra energy for the next day as well.
In the pursuit of well-being, self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Tailoring routines to suit individual needs and challenges is key, especially for those facing conditions like ADHD and anxiety. By starting small, embracing unconventional practices, and incorporating consistency into daily routines, individuals can foster a culture of self-care that aligns with their unique circumstances. Remember, the journey to well-being is a personal one, and every small step contributes to the greater goal of nurturing your mental health.